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A zooming out of the Earth all the way out to Mars. This is the first time using Blender and 3D software. The video seems long because after ~1 minute it glitches and just becomes a black screen.

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Comment by Jessica Bian on February 15, 2013 at 10:14am

'The Earth is just one of the billions of billions of billions of planets in the universe.... and you're just sitting looking up pictures of cats on the internet'

Also, when the earth is rotating, it looks like the atmosphere (ie the clouds) lags behind, as if the atmosphere itself doesn't rotate. I don't know if you did this purposely, and frankly I'm not an expert on this kind of thing, but I do think the clouds would rotate in sync with the earth. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Comment by Kreg Frels-Henry on February 15, 2013 at 10:08am

Very cool production in Blender! It would be perfect for collaboration with other students in the class who are working on sci-fi animations like yourself. Even though planet Earth has amazing detail, I would recommend adding some kind of audio to make outer space feel more interesting.

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