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Flying with Belief TEST Render for Motion

This is a test render for motion in "Flying with Belief". There has been some motion corrections since this recording but not many. Mostly the feet going thr...

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Comment by Kitty Offer on February 13, 2012 at 11:32pm

Please critique the final animation and not this test render, the final animation can be found here:
This animation on this current page is really bad and just a test to look at some of the motion. I put it up here for in case if I didn't finish the main animation.

Comment by Kitty Offer on February 12, 2012 at 12:14am

This is a motion test, so please do not critique this one after the actual version is up. I should be rendering it soon and adding credits and sound and editing effects and such too it. It will be a LOT better than this OpenGL viewport render (which I did to test the motion and following of the frames which gives me a good idea where to edit the transitions and stuff and such). This project was done with Aimee Leal. I designed the characters and did a bulk of the animation while me and Aimee worked on the environment and trees together (as me being a teacher since it was Aimee's first time using Blender for a project). Credit for decent looking trees goes to Aimee XD I screwed mine up some how haha. You can't really see it in this test render version.

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