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Samus Movement- features Samus's morph ball in action of taking care of trash on a bench...

The music may be a little awkward since i used Garage band which I am not so familiar with

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Comment by Keegan Watson on December 10, 2013 at 12:38pm

Nice showcase.  The blast and bench destruction is a nice touch too.

Comment by Hayden Grosch on December 10, 2013 at 10:34am

Samus's ball looks awesome. good animation and modeling.

Comment by Maxwell Archibald on December 9, 2013 at 8:59pm

Everyone who knows anything about animating or is interested in anything about animating knows that a good portion of their audience plays video games, and this really appeals to that. I like that you took a widely known game character and used its mechanics so that you could test out your ability in 3D modeling. There is a good amount of physics present in this animation, with the jumping Morph Ball and the falling bench, and the bench especially is a testament to your timing. I'm not put off by the soundtrack either, especially since you made it yourself in an unfamiliar program, and I think you have potential. I would like to suggest that you make the transition between views a little more lively, because viewers aren't that interested in something that simply sits still. For example, I liked your title because there was an animated background behind it, and perhaps you could do something like that, or maybe the text can move in. Just some ideas. Goodness knows I can't do 3D modeling, so I really enjoyed this work. Keep it up!

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